Bones Experimental Black and White [135 format]



ISO Speed Rating: 400

Grain: Fine

Film Type: Black and white

Process: Dektol, Rodinal, D76, ID 11

Number of exposures: 20


This X-ray 35mm film comes from Bones Experimental, a company based in Brazil. They produce black and white 35mm film specifically designed for photographic purposes by repurposing radiography medical film. The x-ray film sheets are rewound for this purpose.

This film does not come with its own ISO rating as it is not manufactured for visible light. However, it has been successfully tested with ISO settings ranging from 100 to 3200, with ISO 8000 also yielding satisfactory results. The film is loaded in canisters with a 400 ISO DX code.

Compared to regular 35mm film, this film is thicker and may offer some resistance when advancing the frame. Therefore, it is recommended to use a manual camera instead of automatic point-and-shoot cameras or similar models. Because of its thickness, the film can yield up to 20 frames.

The developing sheet can be downloaded here: Bones Technical Sheet